Welcome to

Welcome, friends and weary travellers, I am Ra; and I would like to introduce you to my realm... the realm known by it's inhabitants as Hydroth.
It is a realm of intrigue, of mystery, but most of all, it is a realm that has been brought to life through those who have helped to create it... my players. Hydroth would not be what it is without worthwile would-be heroes to help and mess it up.
That's right, you've stumbled across another D&D page, if you haven't yet guessed it.
Well, enough of the intro, let's get to my game...

Places to see, People to do... Or some such cliche.

Campaign One: The Wandering Ones

Campaign Two: Shathri's Journey

The Gods
The Cast
The Affiliations
The Realm

Oh yeah...

Let me know what you think. Comments and suggestions are more than welcome, you can either sign my guestbook, or you can write me...

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